1/8/2016 What Drives See the TriumphBy Christine Murray and Allison Crowe, See the Triumph Co-Founders
We're just over three years into the See the Triumph campaign, and we want to welcome everyone that is new to our community, as well as extend a special word of thanks to those of you who have been part of our movement to end the stigma surrounding intimate partner violence for a long time. Already, See the Triumph has grown in ways we couldn't have even imagine when we started, and we can't wait to see what lies ahead in 2016 and beyond! We're passionate about the two main goals of See the Triumph: to support survivors and to end the stigma surrounding intimate partner violence. Our passion is a result of many factors, but first and foremost it comes from what we learn every day from survivors of past abuse who have shared their stories with us. To date, hundreds of survivors of past abusive relationships have shared their stories through our various research studies, and each one inspires us and challenges us to do all that we can through See the Triumph to work toward a society in which abuse is no longer a taboo subject. The stigma surrounding intimate partner violence holds back progress in many ways. For individual survivors, it increases the challenges they face in seeking help and recovering from past abuse. At the community level, it leads to limited resources available to help people who need support in becoming safe. Within the broader society, stigma keeps abuse as a hidden issue that far too many people ignore think can't happen to people like them. We're working toward a world in which there is no more abuse. That ultimate goal may take generations to achieve, so in the meantime, we're working to create cultures that support and celebrate survivors of abuse. The courage and strength that it takes to survive on a daily basis within an abusive relationship, much less to overcome the trauma of abuse after a relationship ends, is worthy of society's respect and admiration. And so, to all survivors of past abuse, to those who are currently involved in an unsafe relationship, and to all who care about promoting peace and nonviolence in our world, we are honored to be working with you and for you. We hope you'll continue to find See the Triumph to be a source of inspiration and information and a virtual community of support as we continue to partner together to build cultures that empower and respect survivors of past abuse, rather than stigmatize them. |
November 2024
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