2/20/2013 Blame and StigmaA key component of stigma is blame. Victim-blaming occurs when people view victims as responsible for the abuse they experienced and do not hold their perpetrators fully accountable for their actions. Many participants in our study felt blamed by others, as is illustrated in the following quotes:
2/14/2013 Teen Dating Violence Intimate partner violence can occur at any age when people enter into romantic relationships. In honor of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, we want to share the following quote from one of our participants:
In what ways do you think that common “stereotypes of abused women” keep teenagers and others who don’t fit the stereotype from receiving the help they need? 2/12/2013 Relationship ChallengesFor many survivors of domestic violence, entering new intimate relationships after past experiences with abusive partners gives rise to some new challenges. For example, read through the following quotes from participants in our studies:
November 2024
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