Many people struggle to know what to do when someone they know is being abused. There are no easy answers, to be sure. The following five suggestions are a good place to start.
3/26/2013 Domestic Violence and Isolation Many domestic violence survivors felt extremely isolated during their abuse, and even after it. Today we’re sharing some of the survivors’ own words about how they experienced this isolation.
In light of this isolation, it is important that supportive resources, organizations, and social networks be available to help survivors feel connected with others and overcome feelings of being alone. The overwhelming message we heard from survivors in our studies was that they had triumphed over their abuse and felt that their lives were in a better place after they left the abusive relationships. However, many survivors continued to struggle with the long-term effects of their abuse. This is illustrated in the following quotes:
We believe these long-term effects underscore the importance of increased prevention efforts to stop domestic violence before it ever occurs and to provide support as early as possible. |
November 2024
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