10/15/2017 Triumph: The Seven and a Half Year JourneyBy Eileen Martin, See the Triumph Contributor
Here I sit, contemplating the vast amount of courage, strength, and tenacity it has taken me to arrive at this next crossroad of my life. Honestly, it probably began the day I walked out of my abusive 25 year marriage, but deciding to pay it forward by becoming a counselor to offer hope and be of service to others started my first day on campus in August, 2010. Funny thing is, I got out of my car that day--at the age of 45--and took a few steps toward my new classroom. Like a bolt of lightning, fear struck hard and forcefully. I promptly turned around and started back towards my car to leave. But I didn’t. I didn’t let the weary narrative fraught with fear and insecurity of my first 45 years of life stop me from the growth and exploration of my next 45. I was on a mission. Instinctively I knew what I was called to do, the key was to keep my fears at bay while I worked through them and toward healing. My journey has been one that is uniquely mine, full of energy, enthusiasm, great hope, moments of despair, longing, and brokenness. I have moved mountains, slogged through mud and travelled many miles to and from my destiny. I have failed, been on my knees, and yet, here I am today triumphant. I am within a stones throw of having my degree and am now working as a counselor. This is sacred work and my heart is full and expanding with what I do each day. As I consider my next path, fear still lingers from time to time, but it is more like a small rumble rather than lightning strike and I don’t think about turning around anymore, I move toward that rumble knowing who I am. I am tenacious, strong, and imperfectly me. I am sensitive and feisty and sometimes stubborn. I am loving and hopeful and grateful for my path. I am triumphant. 10/16/2017 07:59:38 pm
I was moved, inspired and my heart and soul sprung out in joy as I read of your journey. I celebrate you and thank God for who you are and all that you contribute because of your journey! Thank you Eileen!! Love Marva
10/17/2017 06:23:49 am
Thank you for your support Marva. We are warriors who can use our stories to empower others. I am so glad we are connected on this journey. Comments are closed.
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