12/19/2013 Trusting Yourself on the JourneyBy Christine Murray, See the Triumph Co-Founder
Have you ever heard the poem, The Journey, by Mary Oliver? The poem’s conclusion is as follows: And there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as your own, that kept you company as you strode deeper and deeper into the world, determined to do the only thing you could do-- determined to save the only life you could save. Oliver’s poem is moving, and it captures so much of what we heard about the journey of recovering from past abuse from the participants in our studies. This journey can be long, unpredictable, and arduous. And yet, it also can be awe-inspiring, motivational, and nurturing to one’s own soul. One of the major points we heard time and again from survivors was just how important it is to trust yourself and your intuition as you move forward (and sometimes backwards) along the journey. This may be difficult to do, especially in light of the trauma and isolation that so often accompany abuse. For example, one of our study participants said, “At one point you have so many lies you begin to realize you may have isolated yourself. In my case, I always thought that if he was doing it to me, he wouldn't do it to someone else. I think the secrecy is the hardest for me to still cope with because I lost trust in my intuition and ability to trust myself.” And yet, the participants in our studies also emphasized how important it is to trust in yourself and in your own process, as you’ll see in the following survivors’ quotes
And, I hope you’ll continue to find inspiration for your journey in the many survivor quotes we are featuring this month on See the Triumph. Comments are closed.
August 2024
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